Friday, May 8, 2020

Symbolism in the Gothic Art Movement Essay - 1747 Words

The Gothic Art movement was not just a style of art but an extremely influential period containing its own complex history. The term is used to describe buildings and objects whose forms are based upon a range of characteristics from the middle of the 12th to the end of the 15th century. Gothic style was a development of the Romanesque yet it was Renaissance humanists who first used it as a disparaging term to describe what they saw as the barbaric architecture. With Gothic art being viewed through so many different perspectives it is deemed quite difficult to appropriately define what Gothic means in postmodern society today. It provided a new focus for the representation of nature and one major area within Gothic Art that distinguishes†¦show more content†¦Because of the distinct design and size of the cathedrals, many adjustments had to be made to support the roofs including the introduction of a system of flying buttresses. Over the years a general reduction in weight an d mass occurred, this was partly the result of enlarging the area of the windows made of stained glass. Huge stained glass windows and a profusion of smaller windows create the effect of lightness and space but also illustrate biblical stories and saint’s lives. Many people truly believed that the presence of these beautiful objects would lift their souls closer to God. It made the church a special, sacred place of an all-powerful God. In the Chartres cathedral, light often entering the church has been associated with the Virgin Mary whose life story winds around its walls. The beautifully decorated glass windows in the Chartres cathedral appear to feature Holy Scriptures that expel the wind and rain just like a traditional house window would. Their exquisite designs not only suggest that they prevent all things hurtful from coming near but they are also the main transmitter of the sunlight that could be seen as God in his brightest form. An architectural piece of work during the Gothic age contained symbolism in every aspect; the arrangement of a Cathedral was designed as a spiritual place of worship where people can be surrounded by symbolic stories thatShow MoreRelated Three Architecture Styles Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesThree Architecture Styles In this essay information will be given in order to compare and contrast data about three different styles of architecture. The three styles are Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Neo Gothic. In order to fully give a clear explanation of these styles, information about architecture will be given first then the three styles will follow with comparing and contrasting points in between. First, to inform about architecture, one must explain what it is. 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