Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rime response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rime response - Essay Example Also, the racial origin is also found to affect how the criminal justice system is delivered. This paper then discusses these issues in details. The succeeding paragraphs will analyze if indeed there is a difference on how the criminal justice system responds to elite and street crimes and to race. Poverty and Income inequality are believed to be the main reason for street crimes. This belief stems from common sense notions about the effects of poverty on the lives and behaviors of persons: the acute frustrations of being poor and the impact of those frustrations on the choices people make. The idea that poverty causes crime also stems from the perception that most criminals-particularly those in prisons for serious and violent street crimes-come from backgrounds of poverty. Street crimes also involved youth gangs. They "often engage in criminal activities, which to a great extent serve as training for the youth to engage in more crime as adults, thus developing a career of crime" (Margaret L. Andersen). Among the Americans, John Hagan noted that "the young African-American males have a vastly disproportionate risk of encountering the criminal justice system, both as victims and violators. Crime is also a great concern for low-income Hispanic and White Americans" (Hagan). It i s important to know the profile of the doers of street crime so as we will understand the cause of the differnce on the response of the country's criminal justice system. There is also what sociologists tag as white collar crimes. These refer to "criminal activities by persons of high social status" and includes "embezzlement (stealing funds from one's employer), involvement in illegal stock manipulation (insider trading), and a variety of income tax laws including tax evasion" (Margaret L. Andersen). Elite crime has two types: "white-collar crimes" or crimes committed by upper-status individuals during the course of their occupations and "corporate crimes," which are crimes committed by organizations, business and industry. Sociologists believe that "whether it is in the police station, the courts or the prisons, the social factors of race, class and gender are highly influential in the administration of justice in this society. People in the most disadvantaged groups are more likely to be defined and identified as criminal, and having encountered this system of authority, are more likely to be detained or arrested, found guilty and punished " (Margaret L. Andersen). The profiles of those who are involved in street crimes are mostly the poor and the Black Americans. Following the argument above, there can indeed be a difference between how the criminal justice system respond to doers of street crimes against those who commit elite crimes simply because of their race and class status. Street crime offenders will be most likely detained, found guilty and punished. The Influence of Race One of the most controversial issues in criminal justice processing is the possible influence of the racial or ethnic background of the accused-despite the checks and balances built into the system-on the outcome of legal proceedings; these include the crimes he or she is charged with, whether he or she is convicted, and, if convicted, whether he or she will serve a long prison sentence. In light of the gross disparities in imprisonment between whites and African Americans, this is a serious concern. Other sociologists argue that the

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