Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Equality and Inclusion in the Health and Social Care or Children and Young People Setting Essay

Diversity can be expained in many different ways, for example a â€Å"diverse work force† is when a work team has many differences in all different aspects, in example a work team which includes different races, ages, gender and interests. Equality is described in which all individuals arre treated equaly, equal oppurtunties plays a big part within the health and social care setting. Discrimination is when an individual is treated unfairly due to certain aspects, for example discriminated agaisnt because of age, race, sex, interests. Discrimination happens in all settings, social and formal. Within a work setting discrimination can come across in different ways, for example if a racist team leader had a team member of a different race always giving them harder or more uncomfortable jobs than the other team members can be classed as discrimination. Discrimination arises due to different reasons, whether it is a person may not like another, racism, sexism and jelousy can make people discriminate. Equal oppurtunities is a piece of legislation put in to place by the government to help ensure that discrimination does not occur within work settings, so for example when applying for a job you as the applicant should not have to disclose your religion and/or beleifs, medical information and other pieces of information until your have made it through to atleast the interveiw stage. Also if helps to ensure discrimination does not arise within the work places, for example that women and men are given the exact same rights and choices when involved within the work setting, also that age, race and sex do not influence people in making desicions. (outcomes 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3) The government put pieces of legislation in to place to ensure the health and safety of people within the work setting, the equal oppurtunities act was put in to place to ensure every one was treated equaly when withn the work setting. This applies to my job role in ways such as it can be a challenging job, and some service users can show aggressive violent challenging behaviour, so in the example the equal oppurtunities act helps make sure that sexism is not shown, for example, if a violent situation was to arise then the staffing team beleives that the female staff memebers are just as capable of dealing with the situation as the male staff members. There are ots of pieces of legislation in place to help in supporting staff members in all of the work sectors, for example there is the disability discrimination act, sex discrimination act, racial and religious hatred act and equality and diversity. All these pieces of legislation are put in to place to help people within all the work sectors and relate to every employee/employer in the country in every job role. Discrimination arises in a lot of work settings even though the government have implemented policies and procedures to be followed to help stop discrimination. Discrimination in a work setting should always be challenged and dealt with. For example within a racially diverse work team if racial discrimination was to arise then any member of the team who was aware of this should deal with it in the appropriate manner, in a lot of companies and organisations there will be a whistle blowing policy set in to place. Any member off staff that feels disctimination is going on within the work setting has a duty to report it and go through the whislte blowing procedures to ensure the safety of every staff member within the company or organisation. In doing so the situation will be dealt with through the approprisate policies and procedures leading to the problem being challenged and dealth with accordingly. ( Outcomes 2. 1, 2. 3) The government help to ensure that all information is accessible as and when needed, there are different government websites that can be accessed through the internet. Also the Citizens advice bureau is a government ran organisation that is there to give help and support to people with legal matters. Every company or organisation should have all of the policies and procedures set in to place ensuring that all staff can access them. For example some companies may have paper copies stored away on site, others may have electronic copies on a system made accessible to all staff members at any moment. Also most companies or organisations will ensure that each staff member has read through the policies and procedures before starting their job role. This is to ensure that all staff are up to dat with the latest policies and procedures and it helps to ensure staff have a full understanding of the companies rules and regulations put in to place.

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