Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mary Barnett Trial Handoutiter's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mary Barnett Trial Handoutiter's choice - Essay Example The case was categorized as a second degree murder because Mary Barnett was charged with intentional murder without premeditation. I have been asked to be on the jury to review the testimony and claims of the defendant, prosecution, and witnesses, and to come up with a fair verdict. Caroline Hospers’ statement clearly indicates that Mary Barnett was addicted to liquor products, and she could never carry out the duties and responsibilities of a good mother. In other words, Barnett had been following a bad lifestyle mainly because she lived without a husband. Hospers’ argument that Barnett went to visit her fiancà © ‘just to party and have a good time’ with him cannot be taken into account because it is Hospers’ personal view only (Chaffee para 4). Perhaps, Barnett and Caroline might not be in good terms, and therefore Hospers’ observation that ‘the baby was not taken care of properly’ should not be considered in order to support prosecution arguments (Chaffee para 4). Officer Mitchell tells that Barnett intentionally left her baby to get to California in time and she was aware that she would not be back for a while. Referring to Barnett’s initial responses, Mitchell asserts that Barnett was really informed of what she was going to do when she planned to leave the baby unattended in the apartment. Taking care of the baby was not the first priority of Barnett because she was extremely excited to visit her fiancà © at that time. Although Barnett had tried to arrange a babysitter for Alison, she could not find one, and therefore she just decided to leave her baby in the apartment for a few days. While analyzing the view of Dr. Parker, a professional psychiatrist, the defendant is competent to stand the trail on the charges she was accused of because Barnett developed depression and anxiety problems only after the shocking death of her daughter. According to Dr. Parker, Barnett â€Å"was mentally competent on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Emphasis on Fitness for Men and Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emphasis on Fitness for Men and Women - Essay Example By the same token, yoga and aerobics have been seen as programs of more interest to women than to men but men can benefit from them. Educating the public as to the various programs offered and why it is important to participate in a mix of programs is the focus of this paper. We live in a sedentary society. Watching television does nothing to stimulate the physical aspects of the body. Computers at home and in business cause more aches and pains than any exercise regime, without the benefits of exercise. People have a tendency to find the parking place closest to their destination at the mall or at the grocery store or at their place of business. The most recent concern as noted by the media is obesity. It has been determined that going on a diet is not the answer to losing weight. In fact, it can be more detrimental because of the loss and gain, loss and gain aspects of dieting. More and more, the public is being urged to follow a fitness regime, eating the right foods as a way of life and planning a total body makeover. However, the type of program followed should include more than one activity. For instance, it is just as important to learn muscle control as it is to practice weight lifting. This paper will discuss various fitness programs and the way s in which they can be combined to offer the most effective results. Each of the activities listed below will describe workout environment, gender identity, benefits of the activity and how to attract the public. Weight Lifting Although cardiovascular exercise on machines uses more calories than weight lifting, working the muscles in addition to the heart and lungs can also improve health. Increased muscle burns 50 extra calories every day of the week. One deterrent for weight lifting as a woman's activity is the fact that muscle, like fat, at first causes slight weight gain when the focus is on weight loss. However, it is overall appearance that matters and toned muscle is more important than what the scale says. Women are apt to be concerned about appearing muscle-bound but because they have less testosterone, they become sleek instead. According to John Litchfield, research shows that just two 15-20 minute sessions a week are enough to gain all the potential health benefits of strength training (par. 16). Running and Walking Running or jogging offers several benefits for those who are willing to commit to it on a regular basis. For some people, it acts as a drug, increasing endorphins for a sense of well being, and for others it is a chore, but running keeps the body toned, offers a way to meet people, burns calories, increases cardiovascular health and prevents the muscle and bone loss that comes with old age. The same benefits are realized for those who prefer walking to jogging (Cummings). The key to success is to plan this type of exercise in moderation because overuse can cause knee and foot problems. Pilates and Yoga A common belief about pilates is that it is a derivative of yoga, but that is not so (Ogle). Pilates focuses more on strength, and yoga focuses more on stretch. Ogle states that strength and stretch are part of both programs, but the difference is on emphasis. For those who prefer to do both, pilates gives them the stability they need to control and expand their yoga poses. The benefits of combining pilates and yoga are as follows (Ogle): 1. Graceful body development without bulky

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analyzing The Journeys End Of Regeneration English Literature Essay

Analyzing The Journeys End Of Regeneration English Literature Essay In the two works that I will be analysing, Journeys End and Regeneration, class refers to the social values that distinguish between the lower, middle and upper class men. The theme of class is central to both of the works and is personified in two predominant characters, Trotter in Journeys End as well as Prior in Regeneration, they will both be fundamental subjects in my essay; in which I will discuss how Sheriff and Barker explore this theme of class, concerning similarities and differences in the various methods employed. Three palpable contrasts between the works should at the outset be mentioned. Firstly Journeys End was written by a man, Sheriff who had firsthand experience of the war, himself being a captain in the East Surrey Regiment. Therefore, we can assume that some events in Journeys End and characters used are most likely influenced by genuine soldiers. Thus themes of class and the harshness of war are even more authentic and realistic; How awfully nice if the brigadiers pleased is a typical, if not sarcastic, response from a proverbial soldier; Stanhope, concerning Osbornes death, showing little respect for those in higher command and also his repression of emotion. Sheriff explores the theme of class through the effects on the characters; how differing people handle the constant stress of war, for Stanhope, it is to drink like a fish, in contrast to Trotters circle drawing, perhaps showing a lack of imagination. On the other hand the writer of Regeneration, Barker is a woman and more im portantly a lot younger than Sheriff with no direct experience of the war. Regeneration seems to focus more on the aftermath, which allows a broader sense of themes such as roles of women and the altered mental states of the class men. You seem to have a very powerful anti-war neurosis, is Rivers reply to Sassoon, who asks if he is mad, it shows the effect of the war, that it can make an educated and brave man question his own sanity. It also explores the theme of class; Rivers and Sassoon immediately create a bond with one another, coming from similar backgrounds and viewpoints, as opposed to the perpetual antagonism between Prior and Rivers. Secondly Journeys End is a play, as opposed to a novel, and Sheriff employs staging. This coupled with the need for a play to be entertaining, does not give Sheriff the luxury of including pages full of background conversation which allow subtle character progression. Barkers work in general could be seen as symbolically internal with the characters thoughts and deep emotions shown through introspection, and thought oh God, its going to be another one of this, this allows the audience to understand the characters in greater detail, to relate to them based on our personal experience, perspective and class. Whereas Sheriffs is driven by actions, and what other characters say. (He puts the box on its side and sits on it. It is too low for the table, and he puts it on its end. It is then too high), When Trotter is first introduced the stage actions show him to be a comical character, at odds with the more serious Stanhope or the hard as nails Osborne, however Trotter is a much more deep individual below the surface, which is shown by the end of the play with his promotion to second in command; Similarly Prior in Regeneration is first introduced as a mute, with a case of dumbness, differing to the other characters, but throughout the novel he conveys himself to be highly intelligent and profound. Another difference between the works is the length, Regeneration is the first part of a trilogy and this represents the more prolonged and indefinite ending, in contrast Journeys End is much shorter and has a very sudden and obvious finish, as implied by its title. This may, in some sense epitomise the theme of class and stereotypes. In Regeneration, events outside of warfare, the battle for an end to bias based on discrimination is long standing and more apparent. In Journeys End it is more ambiguous, and perhaps due to close proximity, extreme events and the over shadowing doom, is triumphed through unity, the war eliminated class divides. There are, however, important similarities between the works. They are both realistic, which is contrasted with Sheriffs use of Raleigh who represents the romantic, idealistic viewpoint; his boyish voice and hesitant speech show him to be nervous and impressionable. Raleigh is a young and inexperienced officer. This leads on to his conversation with Osborne, pages 9-17. The language that the two men use and their topic of conversation rugger and cricket remind the audience of their public school background. Sheriff explorers the theme of class through similarities and differences with characters. Lower class men tend to be employed as comic relief, which is evidenced by the character Mason and his mixed tinned fruit story. Osbornes mock shock at this story, Good Heavens! It must have given you a turn, helps to lighten the waiting game of trench life. These working class individuals, such as Trotter and Prior, deter the audience away from the constant melancholy of warfare. However they are more than simplistic tools for humour, Mason for example, serves as a reminder of the constant passing of time; with his regular meals, and also that normal activities still have to continue despite the war, forcing the audience to not base opinion on the surface, but too look deeper-to sympathise. They are also both from a British perspective, and the events mostly take place in one setting, Criaglockhart in Regeneration and a dug out in Journeys End. Sheriff uses sound and lighting throughout to create a realistic and theatrically effective image of war. The warren-like nature of dugouts with their entrances and exits lend themselves to the stage. Perhaps more importantly the dugout allows Sheriff to present an authentic image of life in the trenches, what he calls a nostalgic journey into the past (No Leading Lady). This relates to class, in the sense that the dire conditions stripped discrimination, it just a simple reminder of the horrible wreckage of their young lives and the futility of their deaths. This cannot be said for Regeneration, in which class, be it rank or treatment, is ever present. The works were also written after the war; which is significant in relation to Journeys End which was written by Sheriff in the post-war era. During the war, people had gone to theatres to forget their troubles and to be amused, but in the 1920s there was a lot of change in the way theatres managed and, in 1926, talking cinema, i.e. films with audible dialogue, started. The class system was also undergoing massive changes and people who in the past would never have been to the theatres started going. This may have resulted in the inclusion of Trotter a character from a lower class who appealed to the new audience. Therefore the theme of class in Journeys End symbolically represents contemporary feelings, a time in which social classes and barriers were being broken down and previous stereotypical upper class values were being appreciated by the masses. Trotter is shown to be more than a stereotype, this is evidenced by his conversation with Osborne about gardening, Oh, I used to do a bit of an evening. Iad a decent little grass plot in front, with flower borders geraniums, lobelia, and calceolaria, Sheriff uses a characters interaction to show that class barriers should be non-existent as the lower class can have similar interests and thought processes to the upper, everyone is not so different. Likewise, Barker makes use of the plot to show that Prior is not so different to the other characters, in fact he is vastly sharp and has knowledge of Freudian theories, I see. A negative transference, Rivers automatic assumption that a man from his background would be ignorant of such things shows how misguided discrimination due to class was, times were changing and a man shouldnt be judged by his birth place. It is ironic that this recurring theme of prejudice is focalized through such an accepting individual, portraying how deep the ro ots of discrimination were entrenched in this lost generation. Sheriff and Barker tackle the problem of class discrimination in similar ways. In Journeys End the unbiased character of Osborne allows the audience to understand Trotter more deeply, much like Rivers in Regeneration. Osborne in some senses is the audiences voice, and the very fact that Osborne can consider Trotter an equal signifies that class barriers are unnecessary, and people should judge in a more meritocratic way, by actions. In Regeneration the discrimination by class is dealt with through intellect. Barker stresses priors intelligence throughout the narrative. Unlike Sassoon, he possesses insight, which is symbolically indicated by his association with the image of the eye. When he finally recalls the traumatic event that triggered his breakdown picking up an eyeball and seeing it resting in the palm of his hand Prior not only regains his memory, but also becomes associated with the concept of vision in general. The recurring image of the eye in the palm of his hand repres ents not only his recovered hindsight, but also his ability to move between varieties of different viewpoints and see both sides. Due to his difference from the other characters, with regards to class background, his opinions and his sexuality, Priors perspective on the war is distinctive, and the source of his unique ability to subject even his own doctor to rigorous and relentless interrogation. In the same way, Trotter also has a different perspective, I reckon e only wanted to keep cheerful, as opposed to Stanhope, Doesnt his repulsive little mind make you sick? Trotter is benevolent, consistent and the voice of reason. He is less emotional and doesnt jump to conclusions, in many ways the other mens faults, such as Hibberts misogyny; help promote a less of a class run society as a lower class mans actions are superior to that of many upper class mens. (Insert relevant quote rivers covers his eyes (motif) refusing to see what he knows war is not worth it) Trotter is the only officer who has obviously not been to public school. He is middle aged and homely looking. He is described as having red

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lassa Fever: An Old World Arenavirus Essay -- essays research papers

Lassa Fever: An Old World Arenavirus ABSTRACT A brief summary of lassa fever, its history, pathology and effects on the indigenous populations. Also, lassa fever in the context of newly emerging diseases. LASSA FEVER On January 12, 1969, a missionary nun, working in the small town of Lassa, Nigeria, began complaining of a backache. Thinking she had merely pulled a muscle, she ignored the pain and went on about her business. After a week, however, the nurse had a throat so sore and so filled with ulcers, she couldn't swallow. Thinking she was suffering from one of the many bacterial diseases endemic to the area, her sisters administered every antibiotic they had on store in the town's Church of the Brethren Mission Hospital. But, the antibiotics did nothing. Her fever escalated, she was severely dehydrated and blotches, hemorrhages, were appearing on her skin. She began to swell and became delirious, so they shipped her to a larger hospital, where one day later she went into convulsions and died. After a nurse who was tending to the sister came down with the same symptoms and died, the doctors in the hospital began to suspect it was a disease heretofore unseen by any of them. Autopsy on the nurse showed significant damage to every organ in the body, the heart was stopped up, with loads of blood cells and platelets piled well into the arteries and veins. Fluids and blood filled the lungs. Dead cells and lipids clogged the liver and spleen. The kidneys were so congested with dead cells and free proteins they had ceased to function. Dissecting the lymph nodes, they discovered that they were completely empty; every white blood cell had been utilized in a futile attempt to stave off the unknown microbe. A few days later, a prominent western viral researcher contracted the unknown disease and the hunt for the microbe that caused lassa fever, began in earnest.(Garrett, 1994) Lassa fever is a virus belonging to the family Arenaviridae. Genus Arenavirus, although being around for about 60 years in the form of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, has recently been brought to the public's attention because of the large number of species known as "emerging viruses" in the genera. The genera consists mostly of new world viruses, among them the Junin, Machupo and Guanarito viruses, which cause, respective... ...verage is around 20%.(Sanford, 1992) To date there has been no intensive mapping of the extent of virulent Lassa distribution in Africa and there is no surveillance for spread or contraction of the established highly endemic zones.(Southern, 1996) It took a number of sick westerners to grab the attention of the developed nations before they began to investigate this illness. Now that we have discovered it and are convinced it is not an immediate danger, we have retreated to our own nations, without so much as a single rodent eradication program. As a result the disease has spread to a much larger endemic area. The feeling is that it could be controlled by proper hygienic and educational measures, but the developed world chooses to leave the dying and forgotten continent, Africa, to suffer yet another vicious and deadly disease. LITERATURE CITED Garrett, Laurie, 1994, "Into the Woods", The Coming Plague; Newly Emerging Diseases in a World out of Balance, 71 -99. Southern, Peter, 1996, "Arenaviridae: The Viruses and Their Replication", Fields Virology, 1505 -1520. Sanford, Jay, "Lassa Fever", The Merck Manual, 218 -219.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Parol Evidence Rule

INTRODUCTION * Parol evidence rule is rule of evidence which states that oral evidence is not regarded by the courts to contradict, vary, and add or reduce the term of contract that already finished by parties. The purpose is to make it certain. * The rationale of this rule is that when the parties take trouble to decrease to writing the agreed terms of their contractual agreements, it was thought that the written contract will contain all relevant matters, and other aspects that not included of the written contract agreements should not be taken into account. Parol evidence rule occurs when all contracts is in writing. Oral evidence cannot be accepted by the courts to contradict, vary, and add or reduce the term that already finished by the parties. * However, there are exceptions to parol evidence rule. BODY * 7 exception to the parol evidence rule: 1. Exception is that custom or trade usage were allowed by court and it is part of the contract although it is not included in express terms â€Å"to annex incidents to written contracts in matters with respect to which they are silent†.This applies in commercial transaction. Case: Hutton v Warren 2. Exception was about the delay operation contract made by an oral agreement to wait until an event occurs or known as condition precedent, where it was a condition that usually included in the contract to be fulfilled before the contract becomes operative. Case: Pym v Campbell 3. Exception was to confirm that the contract was not the whole contract. Case: Van den Esschert v Chappell 4.Exception was when the language of the written contract was ambiguous, that made the agreement looked incomplete of explanation Case: Rankin v Scott Fell & Co (1904) 5. Exception was when there was an obvious mistake in the contract, then the court may fix the contract in certain situations because the terms of the written contract may not actually stated what the parties have been resolved. Case: MacDonald v Shinko Australia Pty Ltd 6. Exception was applied when the identify of one party was unknown. Case: Giliberto v Kenny 7.Exception was Collateral Contract as known as subsidiary contract, which is separated from the main contract, used to avoid the Parol Evidence Rule and accepted the validity of oral promises that have been made during the negotiations that can add to or vary the terms in the original contract. Cases: De Lassalle v Guildford Hoyt’s Pty Ltd v Spencer J. J. Savage and Sons Pty Ltd v Blakney CONCLUSION * I agree with the statement that Australian court should not provide any solution for violation of any oral promises that were made during contract negotiations. * Parol evidence rule must be clear, fully integrated, and unambiguous.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Equality and Inclusion in the Health and Social Care or Children and Young People Setting Essay

Diversity can be expained in many different ways, for example a â€Å"diverse work force† is when a work team has many differences in all different aspects, in example a work team which includes different races, ages, gender and interests. Equality is described in which all individuals arre treated equaly, equal oppurtunties plays a big part within the health and social care setting. Discrimination is when an individual is treated unfairly due to certain aspects, for example discriminated agaisnt because of age, race, sex, interests. Discrimination happens in all settings, social and formal. Within a work setting discrimination can come across in different ways, for example if a racist team leader had a team member of a different race always giving them harder or more uncomfortable jobs than the other team members can be classed as discrimination. Discrimination arises due to different reasons, whether it is a person may not like another, racism, sexism and jelousy can make people discriminate. Equal oppurtunities is a piece of legislation put in to place by the government to help ensure that discrimination does not occur within work settings, so for example when applying for a job you as the applicant should not have to disclose your religion and/or beleifs, medical information and other pieces of information until your have made it through to atleast the interveiw stage. Also if helps to ensure discrimination does not arise within the work places, for example that women and men are given the exact same rights and choices when involved within the work setting, also that age, race and sex do not influence people in making desicions. (outcomes 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3) The government put pieces of legislation in to place to ensure the health and safety of people within the work setting, the equal oppurtunities act was put in to place to ensure every one was treated equaly when withn the work setting. This applies to my job role in ways such as it can be a challenging job, and some service users can show aggressive violent challenging behaviour, so in the example the equal oppurtunities act helps make sure that sexism is not shown, for example, if a violent situation was to arise then the staffing team beleives that the female staff memebers are just as capable of dealing with the situation as the male staff members. There are ots of pieces of legislation in place to help in supporting staff members in all of the work sectors, for example there is the disability discrimination act, sex discrimination act, racial and religious hatred act and equality and diversity. All these pieces of legislation are put in to place to help people within all the work sectors and relate to every employee/employer in the country in every job role. Discrimination arises in a lot of work settings even though the government have implemented policies and procedures to be followed to help stop discrimination. Discrimination in a work setting should always be challenged and dealt with. For example within a racially diverse work team if racial discrimination was to arise then any member of the team who was aware of this should deal with it in the appropriate manner, in a lot of companies and organisations there will be a whistle blowing policy set in to place. Any member off staff that feels disctimination is going on within the work setting has a duty to report it and go through the whislte blowing procedures to ensure the safety of every staff member within the company or organisation. In doing so the situation will be dealt with through the approprisate policies and procedures leading to the problem being challenged and dealth with accordingly. ( Outcomes 2. 1, 2. 3) The government help to ensure that all information is accessible as and when needed, there are different government websites that can be accessed through the internet. Also the Citizens advice bureau is a government ran organisation that is there to give help and support to people with legal matters. Every company or organisation should have all of the policies and procedures set in to place ensuring that all staff can access them. For example some companies may have paper copies stored away on site, others may have electronic copies on a system made accessible to all staff members at any moment. Also most companies or organisations will ensure that each staff member has read through the policies and procedures before starting their job role. This is to ensure that all staff are up to dat with the latest policies and procedures and it helps to ensure staff have a full understanding of the companies rules and regulations put in to place.